Photographe et réalisateur
basé à Paris
Hugo Mapelli explore un langage visuel à la frontière des mediums traditionnels et de l'expérimentation.
C’est dans sa chambre noire, à Paris, qu’il matérialise ses images en combinant des procédés historiques et des outils contemporains.
Qu’il s’agisse de film ou de photographie, avec ou sans pellicule (photogramme / vidéogramme), il fige les ombres, détourne les procédés et nous donne à voir un corpus graphique, riche en couleurs et en matérialité.
Les abstractions et les photographies de mode se côtoient dans une vision artistique singulière.
Sa production photo et vidéo s’articule entre projets personnels, éditoriaux, expérimentations et commandes.
Hugo a notamment réalisé des séries mode pour des magazines tels que Numéro Berlin, Wallpaper, Port Magazine, Twin, Noisé Magazine, The Week et Harper's Bazaar Italy.
Pour des projets commerciaux, il a déjà collaboré avec des maisons de renommée internationale telles que Aesop, Cartier, Chanel, Chloé, Dom Pérignon, Hermès ou Louis Vuitton.
Hugo Mapelli explores a visual language at the intersection between traditional media and experimentation.
In his darkroom, in Paris, he combines historical processes with contemporary tools to
materialize unique images.
Using film or digital photography, ‘photogramme’ or ‘videogramme’, he freezes the shadows, twists the processes and provides a graphic, colorful and material-rich body of work. Where abstractions and fashion photographs meet in a singular artistic vision.
Hugo’s photo & video creative output ranges from personal projects, editorial, experimentation and commissioned work.
For fashion editorial work, he has contributed to international magazines such as Numéro Berlin, Wallpaper, Port Magazine, Twin, Noisé Magazine et Harper's Bazaar Italy.
For commercial projects, he has collaborated with world renowned brands such as Aesop, Cartier, Chanel, Chloé, Dom Pérignon, Hermès and Louis Vuitton.
commmande / collaboration
achat de tirage
commission / collaboration
Print sales
2023Twin Magazine - editorial modeHarpers Bazaar Italy - editorial nature morte
Aesop Othertopias - commecial print et filmAesop Othertopias - commecial print et filmTwin Magazine - editorial haute joaillerie Abstraction - travail personnel
Cartier Panthère - commercial print et filmCartier Panthère -commercial Print et film
Portrait - travail personnelPersonnel - Tokyo
Chanel Les Beiges - commercial printChanel Ombres Byzance - commercial print et film
Dom Pérignon Rosé Vintage 2009 - Commercial print et filmDom Pérignon Rosé Vintage 2009 - Commercial print et film
Flou edition Note NoteFLOU presents a total of 40 photographs. Despite the variety of techniques used and subjects treated, the photographs agree on the very materiality of the image.
FLOU is also an opportunity to bring together, in a single book, a contemporary photographic scene, concerned with various aesthetics matters and priorities, but united in a common desire to exchange and dialogue with its time.
60 pages
40 colour photographs
240 mm × 305 mm
Paperback, cloth tape on staples
Edition of 500
Curated by Agnes Costa
Text in English by Dan Thawley
ISBN 978-2-493467-02-7
Hermès - pour Salone Del Mobile Milan 2022Hermès - pour Salone Del Mobile Milan 2022Personnel - Alpes
Port Magazine - editorialNeous - commercialNeous - Commercial print et film
Travail personnel
Eera - commercial printscreenshot Fisheye websiteInterview paru dans Fisheye
Hugo Mapelli, a Parisian fashion photographer, distinguishes himself by an experimental approach to the medium.
From his sibylline compositions - on the edge of pictorial movements - spring new colours and assemblages that feed the singularity of his art.
-Apolline Coëffet-
Read the full article on the Fisheye website.
The Week Fashion - editorial haute joaillerieAbstraction - travail personnel
Eera - commercial print
Abstraction - travail personnelPort Magazine - editorial accessoiresVogue - editorial accessoires
Agmès - commercialPortrait - travail personnel
Atlein - commercialTwin Magazine - editorialPortrait - travail personnel
Neiman Marcus - commercial print
Lancöme - commercial printAbstraction - travail personnel